Season of placements

If you’re are a prefinal engineering  student entering into the ultimate year of your college life, or already into final year you’ll find this blog informative. Those who are already passed out are going to feel nostalgic and in a way find it relatable. Other section of my readers, you are already living one of those years free of major anxiety issues, stress, pressure and complex. 

After spending 2 to 3 years living some of the best years of your life, you are most probably entering the zone full of competition, heartbreaks, pressure, constant fear of judgement, fear of letting down people who’ve already had there hopes high considering the fact that you are doing well in academics so you might as well just crack any company. But husshh… Let’s take a pause here and know a little about different sections of people going to sit in these drives. 

There’s this section of students who are highly planned about process of drives and you’ll be amazed to know they’ve already started to build themselves up ever since they entered college and are punctual and calculated with everything they do. This section are taken by companies in first half or maximum in a month or two. 

Then comes this other section who are aware about the process and stuff but have no plan how to achieve it. They are trying anything and everything in random direction without any proper plan. So they end up doing random things rather than specializing in specific things be it any technology, tool, subject or language. They go through a tough 5 to 6 months span getting things planned, accumulating knowledge from different fields that they’ve gathered and applying it to a specific thing. On the top of it they are fighting a constant battle of inferiority complex, self doubt and a long phase of anxiety. But they hold on, on to hope. Hope that things will go in there direction sometime. And it do. But after a considerable time. 

This section I personally don’t like. Lol. This is the section that put less efforts but end up achieving more. Idk what exactly the reason is. Maybe there stars align maybe it’s some dumb luck. But there’s something else. Some energy maybe that makes everything flow in there direction. I mean, damn, how tf someone who’s trying so hard is not making it but someone with so little experience, skills, hardwork gets everything. It’s beyond science and I ll never understand the logic behind this. 

Now there’s this particular section in which I belong. This is a minority section because rest are not bothered about placements as such. They are the people with least updated information on companies, there process. Most probably they’re going to start preparing for drive after some company will arrive in college. They’ll have least interaction about these stuff with people around them. So they end up having little to no idea how to get started. But tbh, these little shits, they are fighters, with an ideology to not give up. Whatever happens. They’ll start pulling all nighters doing the best that they can. These people make it at the end of season but they do make it after facing a bulk load of pressure,fear of not getting placed, self guilt, doubt, watching there friends go get placed in reputed companies. Man, that shit is crazy. People start having second thoughts about themselves. 

So this is all about placement season. Different section of people going through different forms of difficulty. These days are going to be stressful, isolating you from friends and family. But these are the days that start building you up right from the roots. 

As they say, whatever doesn’t break you only makes you stronger.